Ankyloglossia & Breastfeeding
Tongue/lip ties are a common cause for a baby to have difficulty latching or causing the mother pain when breastfeeding. They can differ in severity and can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. The frenotomy (tongue/lip tie release) is carried out with a surgical blade which reduces trauma and the chance of growing back when compared to traditional methods used by dentists. Tara has been specializing in tongue/lip tie releases for the past 15 years and is certified as a Nurse Practitioner to perform these procedures. In-Clinic Tongue/Lip Tie Assessment: Free with valid OHIP card
Tongue/Lip Tie Release (In-Clinic Only): Fee Applies. Receipt is provided that can be submitted to most drug plans for compensation. Please note that there is a fee for missed or cancelled appointments with less than 24 hours notice. |